Nicolae Dascovici

Nicolae Daşcovici (1888-1969) – jurist, university professor, Romanian diplomat

High school studies at Gheorghe Lazăr High School, Bucharest and Massim High School, Brăila. Bachelor of the Faculty of Law, Bucharest (1912). Philosophy and Law studies in Dresda and Lausanne. Doctoral degree in Law, University of Paris with the thesis La question du Bosphore et des Dardanelles (1915). Secretary General of the Ministry of National Education (1938-1939). Member of the Romanian delegation to The United Nations Organization, aggregate professor (1923-1926) and tenured professor (1926-1946) at the Department of International Law, University of Iasi.

His published works focus on the main issues of international politics in the interwar period: The Principle of Nationalities and the League of Nations (1922), Our Danube, a Short Updated Description of  the Problems of Danube, Accompanied by the Statute of Paris of 1921 (1927), Romania’s Interests and Rights Reflected in Public International Law Texts (1936), Our Sea or the strait regime (1937), Raw Materials, Colonies and Peaceful Revisionism (1938), Freedom of Navigation in the Mediterranean Sea and Our National Interests (1938). Author of university lectures on Public International Law (1931, 1934 and 1935) in which he dwelt on issues such as peace and disarmament, neutrality and the laws and customs of war. He edited and commented on texts and treaties on Public International Law: International Policy in Documents (1938), War Law and Neutrality. The Collection of Conventional Texts, Accompanied by an Introductory Study and Two 1938 Reports on the Rules of Neutrality (1941). Author of some works about the international organizations established in the post-war period: The United Nations Charter and The Statute of the International Court of Justice (1957), The United Nations. Organization and Functions (collaboration, 1962). Editor of ”Tribuna Dobrogei” and director of “Dacia” şi “Argus” newspapers. Correspondent of the newspapers “Il Resto del Carlino” (Bolognia) and “Messager Polonais” (Warsaw).

Member of several Romanian and international scientific societies: the Romanian Social Institute, Romanian Navy League, The Econometric Society (Colorado Springs), Royal Economic Society (London), Office permanent de documentation juridique internationale (Hague). Correspondent member of the Romanian Academy (1st June 1948). He was granted the “Star of Romania with swords” Award and the War Cross with the “Mărășești” Strap.